"This is a gritty tale that takes place in Detroit mostly in the late 1960's. Some of the characters are involved in crime, drugs and prostitution. Wait, what? Those things don't happen in Detroit, or do they? These social problems occur in every large city, to varying degrees, so this phenomena is not exclusive to Detroit which has a bad reputation. Detroit is the setting for this story but it's not so much about Detroit than it is the array of colorful characters in it. There is a lot in this tale like love, hate, friendship, enemies and altruistic behavior. The characters are mix of multiple ethnicities that include street people, extremely wealthy people and everything in between. It can be harshly realistic at times but also there are some whimsical, almost magical moments as well. Detroit has certainly had its ups and downs but is currently experiencing upward trend with some amazing things happening. It has become a destination. This book is quite long so I split into three volumes. This is volume one. My greatest hope is that the reader enjoys it."