Sweet in Love, fourth in the Pomegranate Café Romance series, finds Sakura and her friends arranging a Yule party complete with decadent desserts and a secret gift exchange–as long as the cafe's reluctant baker complies . . .
Glacial has been a mystery since she arrived in Belville to help set up the café. Was she once a mercenary? An assassin? A spy? Rumors abound, and frankly, Glacial doesn't care. She's happy to keep her head down and decorate cupcakes. If only her friend Sakura would stop doing business with an alluring stranger from her past!
Hunter is something of a mystery himself, but he's very clear on one point: from the moment he met her, he's been deeply in love with Glacial Ayre. As a tea and spice merchant for the Pomegranate, Hunter has been in and out of town for years. Now, he's thinking that it might be time to stay.
On the eve of Yule, there's a massive storm hanging over town–and that's not just a metaphor for all the emotions Glacial won't let herself express. Can Hunter and Sakura convince Glacial that the sweetest treat in life is opening up to someone else? In order to prevent disaster, Glacial and Hunter must both learn when to hold nothing back.