Testimonial 2 by Rev. M. G. Hayes brings hope, inspiration, and a Christian message that encourages old and young alike to realize that God is true to his word. Whether you are a seasoned hand with faith and spirituality or a brand-new member of the youth ministry, Testimonial 2 can uplift your heart, speak to your soul and spirit, and teach you the Bible's wisdom through modern storytelling. Rev. Hayes's work begins with thirty-eight Christian stories; some are tales of triumph, some are stories of loss and missed opportunity, and still others are just good old reality checks for the soul. But all of the stories contained herein remind us that no matter how immune we may think we are to misfortune, God never promised sun without rain or laughter without pain. Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for. In Testimonial 2, Hayes plays out the true definition of Christian faith in everyday parables that teach timeless lessons and speak eternal truths everyone could understand.