Well and truly established in Central City, the Flash patrols the streets at speeds faster than the human eye can see. He protects the citizens from the super-villains Abra Kadabra, Captain Cold, Mirror Master, the Pied Piper, Heat Wave, Trickster, Weather Wizard, Captain Boomerang, the Shade and the Breakaway Bandit. Also included in this collection: the first appearance of the Reverse-Flash, Eobard Thawne, and the first appearance of Kid Flash's unique costume.
These expeditious epics, which mark the true beginning of a Rogues Gallery that would become a beloved aspect of the Flash's world and his race against injustice, are gathered for the first time in this expansive collection.
THE FLASH: THE SILVER AGE OMNIBUS VOL 2 collects all of the Scarlet Speedster's tales from THE FLASH #133-163 and includes a foreword by veteran comics writer Tom Peyer.