The Haunting of Lilford Hall is one of the most baffling cases ever recorded of paranormal activity experienced simultaneously by multiple people. Between 2012 and 2013, a team of 13 people came together to produce a historical TV documentary, not a paranormal investigation, and yet that is what they became unexpectedly involved in. The TV documentary was about the life of Robert Browne, the man who was behind The Pilgrim Fathers sailing on The Mayflower to settle the first civilian colony on the American continent. In fact, without Robert Browne, the United States of America may never have been the same, at least not as we know it today.
-Robert Browne was the man who separated church from state in the reign of Queen Elizabeth 1st, which was an underpinning philosophy of the new United States.
-Robert Browne's words are written into the Constitution of the United States. -Robert Browne's direct descendent officially fired the first shot in the American War of Independence.
-Robert Browne's beloved Lilford Hall estate was the home of President George Washington's Mother.
-Robert Browne's beloved Lilford Hall estate was the home of President Quincy Adams' family.
Just like in a typical horror movie plot, the TV crew of 13 unsuspecting people were thrust into the middle of baffling and extensive paranormal activity. They experienced doors that refused to stay closed, they had debris thrown at them, and they had a door silently ripped away from the hinges and doorframe while they were in the next room. There were even several recorded multi-witness apparitions of a man fitting Robert Browne's description. It is believed by many that the ghost of Robert Browne, the "Grandfather" of the United States as a nation, still haunts Lilford Hall to this day.