During the Second World War, the German navy built five submarine bases on the French Atlantic coast in Brest, Lorient, St. Nazaire, La Pallice and Bordeaux. In 1943, these 5 German bases were capable of sheltering 98 U-boote. Lorient alone could hold 30. Being the main base, during wartime, to be used by the German submarines, it
was here that the largest protective construction work for the U-Boote was to see daylight.
In this guide illustrated with more than 100 photos and plans, learn in detail about the construction and workings of these gigantic buildings. Learn about the allies' attempts to destroy them and the actions carried out by the arsenal's own French Resistance. Discover the astonishing projects that were never implemented and the role of the bases during the
Lorient Pocket. This guide will explain how they were later reused by the French Navy for fifty years, as well as their current reconversion for peaceful purposes.
An essential guide for any Atlantic Battle, submarine, fortification or Lorient harbour history amateurs.