The fourth novel in the action-packed Revenger series...back in print for the first time in nearly fifty years. Ben Martin's distant cousin Rosa is abducted from the streets of Sicily by a Mafia-run sex slavery ring...and it's going to take all of his very particular set of skills to save her, crush the entire operation, and kill the stiletto wielding mob boss responsible for it all.
"Messmann's writing is good as ever -- if you're looking for a little literary-style with your mob-busting action. Martin is more worldly and sophisticated than the average man of action, prone to brooding and introspection"
Glorious Trash "Ben is a believable action hero. He's not just a good guy with a gun. A stand-out series."
Paperback Warrior "Martin, while capable of violent action, is more introspective than many of his fellow Mafia busters."
Serial Vigilantes Of Paperback Fiction