TO Mr. Boyce
SUBJECT Prager job
$100 million in black money from Curtis Prager, hedge fund titan turned international criminal banker. A hard target, but a team of seasoned pros might pull it off.
CARR--Ex-CIA. Expert planner and organizer, but a reluctant and untested leader.
VALERIE--Chameleon, honey trap, master manipulator, and lately, Carr's lover. Has an agenda of her own--maybe more than one.
LATIN MIKE--Safecracker, muscle, a hot-headed hardcase. Unhappy with Carr's management, but the promised payout from the Prager job has so far kept him in line.
BOBBY--Surveillance and security systems, and Latin Mike's running buddy. If Mike is making his own play, Bobby's certain to be a part of it.
DENNIS--Ace hacker, youngest member of the team, brilliant but gun-shy.
The death of their old boss, Declan, on their last job, has left the crew tense and paranoid. The Prager job could leave them set for life if they don't self-destruct first.
A new security chief is beefing up protections around Prager's Cayman Islands front. Carr and his crew have to tighten their already punishing timetable. A nearly impossible job just got even harder.