Uncle Wiggily's Fortune by Howard R. Garis is part of the beloved Uncle Wiggily series, featuring the adventures of an elderly rabbit gentleman named Uncle Wiggily Longears. In this story, Uncle Wiggily embarks on charming and whimsical adventures, often helping friends and overcoming challenges along the way. Garis's stories are known for their moral lessons, light humor, and appeal to both children and adults.
Howard Roger Garis (1873 -1962) was an American author best known for his series Uncle Wiggily, which follows an elderly bunny rabbit as he helps other animals in the neighborhood solve problems. Uncle Wiggily began as a weekly series in the Newark News, but has since been collected into a full volume. In addition to Uncle Wiggily, Garis has written over fifteen different children's series, and was one of the most popular authors of the early 20th century.