In 1935, a series of bizarre and heinous crimes gripped the American Southwest in fear. From New Mexico to the far reaches of the San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation, a string of kidnappings, robberies, and violence has targeted Catholic missionaries and more. In a bold effort to stop the nightmare, the chief of tribal police is paired with an undercover FBI agent. They start at a missionary boarding school, but with each new question, increasingly alarming answers expand the scope of their investigation further than either ever imagined. Now, an Apache family must battle a massive international conspiracy involving the Catholic Church, the Vatican, and the United States government.
Victims and families become allies. The superintendent of Indian Affairs and the clergy become enemies. Deeply steeped in the culture and mystique of the ndee-the Apache people-the secrets that wait in the shadows will inspire these experienced agents to do whatever it takes to solve this case-at any cost.
As new information surfaces, the only fact to trust is no one can be trusted.