A recent study has shown that 60 percent of workers say they are unhappy with their job and would like to pick a different career. Unfortunately, picking an engaging career that makes the greatest use of our talents is a difficult thing to do. Even worse, much of the conventional wisdom we hear on this subject is flawed and should not be followed at all!
Inside this book you will:
-Understand the dangers of following much of the mainstream advice on picking a career:
-Top five bad pieces of advice you should ignore
-Learn how to match your abilities to multiple career paths:
-Discover your hidden talents
-Recognize your passions
-Identify the skills you have that employers are hungry for
-Explore new career options
-Learn how to easily narrow your choices by balancing pay with career paths you can be excited about:
-The secret formula for a successful career
-How to match your talents with great pay
-Combine occupations to find amazing jobs
-Evaluate prospective industries to forecast job security
Don't waste time, effort, and money using bad advice only to find yourself in a boring, tiresome job. Instead, follow this easy, proven method so you can focus your efforts and find a job you will LOVE!